NBA Top Shot Discord Hacked

2 min readOct 20, 2021


fake NBA Top Shot NFT website
fake NBA Stop Shot NFT website

On 10/19/2021 at about 9:00 am Eastern time the NBA Top Shot Discord was hacked. The following message was posted in the official announcements channel:

fake NBA Top Shot announcement

People who trusted the post supposedly coming from official NBA Top Shot sources where scammed into sending .2 ETH to the hacker wallet. Some rough estimates on Twitter indicated over 51 ETH may have been stolen.

While they refunded most of the stolen ETH to users, the billion dollar company decided to not bother to cover transaction fees so all users lost approximately $15 in ETH that they where not compensated for.

NBA Top Shot is Hiding It Under The Rug
Instead of warning users and asking them to take security precautions, NBA Top Shot did not announce the fact that they where hacked in their social media. Incredibly, they have not acknowledged the issue on their official Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, blog or website. No apology or explanation has been made regarding what caused the security breach.

