NLL — NBA Top Shot Nine Lives Lounge not worth it

Tales from the Nine Lies Lounge

3 min readJan 21, 2022

Opinion: What was once touted by NBA Top Shot as “the coolest membership ticket in digital basketball fandom” has become nothing but hype and empty promises.

We’re setting out to create the standard for digital membership, and the Nine Lives Lounge will be a can’t miss place to be for NBA die-hards far and wide.

For anyone that has entry into the Lounge, here’s what you can expect:

  • An exclusive conversation with an NBA star.
    Aside from Tyrese Haliburton saying “Hello NLL” one night this has not happened.
    *Update 2/1/2022: NBA superstar Kevin Durant had a chat with NLL
  • Every single weekday until the next season starts (October 19th), we will raffle an NBA Jersey to lucky Cool Cat holders, including several signed by your favorite players!
    After four months many people have still not received their jersey prize. Only one of the more valuable signed jerseys was given out instead of the multiple as promised. Also a hoodie that was promised is going on three months of waiting with no update.
  • Every single @Nine Lives Lounge member that was holding the 30/30 Cool Cats — as of a snapshot taken this afternoon ( 09/10/2021) — will be eligible for early access to the upcoming Dapper Labs Seussibles project.
    Only iOS users received early access and nothing was told to users of other operating systems before it was open to the public.
    Said Luke aka ElDumbo in the lounge on 1/14/2022:
    The no android for Seuss aspect is something I feel bad about and I think is very (fair) to call out.”
undelivered Seuss early access perk
  • Early access to the UFC on Flow platform. Every NLL member who has already registered for early access to the future Dapper Labs UFC platform can expect early access.
    Dapper Labs promised early UFC access as a featured perk and there wasn’t even a closed beta period.

    Said Luke aka ElDumbo in the lounge:
    But 1 does fall on me. I apologise for the poor communication on this topic

    The UFC team are no longer using a beta/early access approach. This means there is no early access to be given. To make up for that, we will provide a small perk to the NLL which will have more details given soon. I appreciate the frustration of the comms going out and not lining up. I do apologise for that and it’s my personal responsibility to improve on that in the future. We will do so.

On top of the failed promises, the NBA Top Shot Discord was hacked.

Nine Lives Lounge Is Not Special

Despite the promises of being a SOHO house so attractive where even professional athletes will want to join in, NLL has shown to be little more than smoke and mirrors. Initially an after thought of a neglected and terribly planned Lamelo master challenge, even some former supporters and owners of several Lamelo Ball Cool Cats moments find little reason to hold it anymore.

anonymous whale’s opinion on NLL
Jack Settleman on NLL
Low Mint sold his Cool Cat moments

Be very wary before spending thousands of dollars on joining the Nine Lives Lounge if you expect them to keep any of their promises or questionable perks.

